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In my life, I wear many hats. Just like you.

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I am a forever student.


A mother of 4 incredible children and a sweet little pup called Coco.

I am a wife, a sister, and a daughter.


A maker of dinner, and a (slightly compulsive) organizer of closets. A lover of books, spicy margaritas, Sunday afternoon naps, and sad country music.


A driver of So Many carpools.


A self-help junkie and recovering people-pleaser.


A proud business owner. A dedicated friend, a passionate yogi, and a personal and professional development strategist.  



Do you know what that life looks like?

Not of my dreams. Or of your friend’s dreams.

Image by Marissa Grootes

My doctoral degree is in Health Education from Columbia University, and was hard-earned over the course of many years while raising kids, changing a zillion diapers, moving to the burbs, and starting a small business. 

I am thrilled to harness my 40+ years of life experience and (what feels like 1,000 years of!) formal education to help you create the life of your dreams. 

When you know where you’re going it’s so much easier to get there.

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You know that song from the Greatest Showman, This is Me?


A little cheesy? Maybe. But you know what, I completely LOVE that song.

If I had a theme song for this moment in my life, that would be it.

Maybe because it's so far from where I used to be.....


All those years of turning my attention outwards to see how I should be, act, show up - never looking in.

This showed up as:


  • Over the top people-pleasing (I don't care where we go for dinner, wherever you want is fine...")

  • Checking the scale each morning to see how I would feel that day

  • Drinking too much pre-party wine

  • Not trusting myself to make even small decisions

  • Even wishing others would just tell me what to do with my life. 


Through learning about the incredible power of mindset, and consistently returning back to myself through practices like:


  • Journaling

  • Yoga

  • Slow steady breaths

  • Creating time for quiet each day

  • Soaking up endless self-help books and podcasts

  • Dedication to create awareness and growth - even when it's uncomfortable...


It's changed me.  

I get to now be unapologetically... me.

Imperfect. Learning. Trying. Struggling. Hard-working. Making mistakes. Showing up for myself.


Being there for others. Winning. Losing. An ambassador of hope, love, and endless self-compassion.


A source of support and encouragement on your unique journey.


An ally to hold you accountable, and your greatest cheerleader. 

I hope that when we work together you find your theme song.


The words that when spoken aloud or silently whispered make your heart beat faster with the knowledge that you are finally LIVING.


Living a life that is full of hope, happiness, awareness, discomfort, possibility, strength, struggle, insecurity, acceptance, joy, and everything in between.


This life is not only possible... it's yours for the taking. 

This is your time to shine.

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