"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."
- Aristotle
Many of us know that self-awareness is a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding.
And yet... how many of us go through our days and weeks (years even!) without any awareness at all?
Understanding yourself takes work! Work we would often rather avoid.
It's so much easier to look the other way, to skip the effort and sometimes discomfort that comes up when we take a look at what's there.
And so we become really amazing at:
Having the radio and/or the tv on all the time to drown out the noise in our heads
Being super critical of ourselves and others
Relying on social media, alcohol, drugs, shopping, sex, food etc... to cope with our daily lives
Not making time for journaling or meditation or quiet moments
Avoiding difficult conversations
Keeping a busy schedule so there is no downtime or opportunity for self-reflection
Ignoring the cues from our bodies that we are hungry, thirsty, full, have to pee etc...
Avoiding setting clear boundaries with others
What if instead we did the work to look inwards, with curiosity and even wonder, at what we find? If we practiced being a little uncomfortable?
I love this simple, yet comprehensive framework to evaluate your current behaviors, make positive changes, and continue engaging in practices that contribute to your overall well-being, growth, and success.
Here are three simple words to give your life more
awareness, meaning, clarity, and forward direction:
Stop, Start, Continue
Check in with yourself REGULARLY (weekly, monthly, quarterly) with this framework.
Write out your plans for MAX impact.
What do you want to stop doing so that you can become the person you know you can be?
Identify behaviors, thought, habits, mindsets and patterns that no longer serve you, and make a plan to STOP doing them.
That 4th glass of Tues night couch wine
Not making time for daily movement
Ignoring your intuition
Dwelling on that argument you had 6 months ago
People pleasing
Holding that grudge (you know the one...)
Needing everything to be just right, or perfect before you take action
What do you want to start doing so that you can become the person you want to be?
Identify behaviors, thought, habits, mindsets and patterns that would be beneficial in your life, and make a plan to START doing them.
Prioritizing yourself (Yes, you get to be a priority in your life!)
Pursuing a passion or interest
Getting outside every single day
Forgiving yourself, forgiving others
Nurturing healthy relationships
Doing something creative
Hint! If you're looking for some activities to add in, read this post, Top 5 No Cost Self-Therapy Tips
What do you want to continue doing so that you can become the person you want to be?
Identify behaviors, thought, habits, mindsets and patterns that work well in your life, give yourself a High Five, and CONTINUE doing them.
Celebrating 3 wins at the end of each day
Making time for yourself
Working on self love, confidence and/or acceptance every day
Prioritizing your well-being and self-care practices
Honoring your personal values and staying true to yourself
Finding joy and happiness in everyday moments
Embracing self-reflection as a tool for growth and self-discovery
By recognizing and letting go of negative behaviors, embracing new empowering habits, and continuing to prioritize practices that serve your well-being, you get to create a purposeful life filled with meaning and positivity.
Btw, have loved hearing from so many of you lately! Let me know how this one goes!
Have a beautiful week friends 🖤