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The Secret to a Fulfilling Life

Carolyn Frost

For years (decades!) I wished someone would tell me what to do with my life....


These exact strategies helped me finally figure it out for myself


EQ Tip 💡 Finding your purpose isn’t just about discovering what makes you happy—it’s about aligning with what makes you whole


When you connect with your purpose, life feels more meaningful, work feels less like a chore, and challenges become opportunities for growth.



"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why" — Mark Twain



✨ T H R I V E


5 Power Moves to Live a Purpose Driven Life

1: Plan Quarterly Insight Weeks


Write out your answer to one question each day for the week - what do you notice?


1: What are my passions?

2: What are my strengths?

3: What do I value most?

4: What impact do I want to have?

5: What makes me lose track of time?

6: What would I do if I couldn't fail?

7: What would I regret not doing?


Insight Weeks are about discovering patterns in your reflections.


What themes keep coming up? What surprises you? Use these insights to shape your next steps.


2: Ikigai ~ your ‘Reason for Being’


This beautiful Japanese concept reminds us that purpose lies at the intersection of four key areas: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for


Draw a Venn diagram and map out these four areas; where do they overlap for you?


That sweet spot is your Ikigai—your reason for being. Reflecting on this can provide profound clarity and direction.


 3: Three Most Important Questions (3 MIQ)


Identify what experiences, growth, and contributions matter most to you with these 3 questions:


1: What experiences do you want to have?

2: How do you want to grow?

3: How do you want to contribute?

Answer these questions to clarify your life vision for your life and align your thoughts and actions accordingly.


4: Life Mission Statement


Reflect on your core values, goals, hopes, and wishes for your life. Write a concise statement summarizing your mission. Revisit often


Keep this statement visible—on your desk, as a screensaver, or in your journal. Revisit and revise often.


5: Legacy Exercise

Visualize what you want to be remembered for. What have you achieved? How have you grown? What qualities do people remember you for?


Write an imagined future biography (really, write it out), focusing on achievements and qualities you want to be highlighted.




I hope these serve as a reminder of what's possible in your life with intention and direction.


Which one resonates most for you?





PS ~ SIGN UP HERE for weekly motivational tips & practical advice for living a healthy and happy life


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